Guy has an unending drive for excellence.
He strives to make the best, natural products.
Maple syrup production and farming is Guy’s lifelong dream, which he’s been working towards since he was a little boy. Starting from the time he was a young boy, he used his little red wagon to gather sap from the neighboring trees. He labored on dairy farms starting at a very young age, which allowed him to make maple syrup in the spring and do the work he loved on the farm. As he grew older, he continued to make maple syrup and farm for other people. From there, he went into a long career in excavation. With the dream of one day owning his own farm.
Many years have passed since that little boy was seen
pulling his little red wagon down the road. Since then Guy has increased his tap count and acquired land parcels to grow his business. In 1998 he received an award from NY State Maple Producers Association for "Outstanding Young Sugar Maker". And in 2020, his dream of owning his own farm finally came true.
Guy has built a state-of-the-art sugar house on our acquired farm, where we produce our maple crop, we raise beef cattle, raise Scottish Highlanders as pets, we grow corn, sweetcorn, and hay. I work alongside Guy in raising and caring for the cattle and love sharing my Highlanders with others. I work the retail side of the syrup business and do the bookkeeping. While Guy and our son, Jacob, produce the maple syrup, and care and maintain all of our sugarbushes. Guy does all of the crop production and harvesting. We are committed to continuing to grow and develop in producing the highest-quality maple syrup products, raising quality beef and offering our customers the opportunity to purchase our special goods from our market and an open door policy to experience farm life right along with us.
During maple syrup (sugaring) season, our son Jacob is Guy's right-hand man. We also have two daughters, Samantha and Katelyn. All three of our children grew up helping their dad make maple syrup. They truly have a love for maple syrup and they are our biggest source of encouragement. Which is now being shared with our grandchildren.
~ Guy and Wendy Gillette and Family
747 County Road 23, Sherburne, NY 13460
Wendy's Ph: 607.244.9443 | Guy's Ph: 607.316.9091